Ofgem’s latest tariffs from 1st July 2016 are as follows: Small commercial biomass Less than 200 kWth Tier 1 3.26p Less than 200 kWth Tier 2 0.86p Medium commercial biomass 200 kWth and above & less than 1MWth Tier 1 5.24p 200 kWth and above & less than 1MWth Tier […]
Ofgem have just released the latest degression figures for the RHI. Medium remains unchanged, which is a relief, and small is only being cut by 5% this time. Tariffs, Eligible technology, Eligible sizes from 1st April 2016 Small commercial biomass Solid biomass including solid biomass contained in waste Less than […]
Latest Non Domestic RHI tariff update 1st April 2016
Overview — biomass vs heat pumps Pete Downes put together this summary as a handout after a CPD event we presented for a group of surveyors and architects at The Abbey Group conference centre on Preston Road, Yeovil, on Tuesday 1st of March 2016, about Eco Homes/Renewable Heat Incentives + Tariffs. […]
Biomass vs. Heat Pumps

This grubby Hack 200 has worked hard all year on a broiler farm and is now getting the TLC that will keep it in good working order for the year ahead. With lots of biomass companies having gone out of business in the past year, many due to difficult […]
Biomass Boiler Servicing Calls on the Rise
Another big degression for the small biomass tariff on both domestic and commercial rates was announced on the 29th of May 2015. On 1st of July 2015 the tariffs drop to: Domestic • 7.15p per kW Non-Domestic Small (under 200kW) • Tier 1 = 4.4p per kW • Tier 2 […]
Another reduction in RHI from 1st July 2015

If you fancy a day out and some light refreshments, come and see us on stand 23 at the Sherborne Castle Country Fair on 25th May 2015. We will have our ETA trailer with us and a working biomass boiler to show you, plus a few other items from […]
Sherborne Castle Country Fair, and the Bath and West Show
Another big degression. Ouch! The hardest hit are the small biomass installations — those under 200 kW (cut by 15%) and the domestic market (cut by 20%). While the figures still look good for the largest boilers, the payback period is gradually lengthening and the smaller boilers are hardest […]
The latest degression figures for March 31st 2015
Great news — the latest degression announcement for small biomass (up to 200kw) says the rate is only going to drop 10%. The 150% trigger was not reached, so the anticipated 20% reduction came out at only 5%, but because the overall scheme exceeded its budget an extra 5% reduction […]
Degression Announcement for January 2015 lower than anticipated

The Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) rate is going to be reduced yet again for new applicants from midnight 30th September. The reduction has been confirmed at 10% this time. A further rate reduction will come into force on 1st January 2015, which will be at least 10%, but is more […]
RHI Reduction October 2014 and January 2015

To further recap: I was Googling ‘biomass boilers’, which is what I do to relax on my days off, when I came across a blog called greenwisebusiness.co.uk that appears pretty high on the first page. The subject of the article is “10 things your installer won’t tell you before you purchase a biomass […]