Biomass Boiler Repairs & HETAS HABMS Servicing

Annual Biomass Boiler Service

An annual professional biomass boiler service is a condition of your RHI agreement and from 1st of April 2023 you will have to use a company registered with HETAS under the HABMS scheme if you are claiming RHI. Commercial Biomass Ltd meets this criteria.

Biomass boiler servicing improves the boiler’s efficiency, resulting in lower fuel bills and increased reliability. Biomass boilers are a completely different piece of equipment to traditional fossil fuel boilers and need specialist engineers to properly maintain the biomass boiler and its immediate system.

Our dedicated engineers are trained and certified by ETA, Gilles/Hargassner, as well as Windhager, Grant and Klover, to name but a few. We service and maintain wood chip, pellet and log systems. Commercial Biomass Ltd can also supply you with ETA boiler spare parts, as well as Gilles boiler spare parts and several other makes if you prefer to make your own repairs.

Open door of a Hack 200 showing ash build-up

During a HETAs Biomass Boiler Service, our engineers will:

  • Check the boiler’s fault log and repair faults*
  • Inspect all boiler access doors and seals, check and replace if damaged
  • Thoroughly examine and clean heat exchanger
  • Check combustion chamber, including all refractory blocks, tilting grates or walking floor grates, stoker and ash augers
  • Test and clean fuel store and boiler augers
  • Clear primary and secondary air ports of carbon build up
  • Inspect and clean boiler draught fan system
  • Inspect all mechanical seals
  • Inspect and test ignition device
  • Check and lubricate all motors, chains and bearings with the correct lubricant for the heat zone the part is in
  • Check control panel hardware and PCB electrical connections
  • Check anti-burnback and all other safety systems are fully operational
  • Test, run and check operation of all boiler systems

Plus our engineers will:

  • Remove and clean your turbulators, if required
  • Thoroughly inspect and sweep the boiler flue
  • Perform a flue gas analysis to check combustion efficiency
  • Check the system water for PH and inhibitor levels

Upon completion a service report will be issued providing detail of the work carried out, engineer comments and advisories for any remedial work.

Typical HETAS Boiler Servicing Charges (excluding mileage)

10-30 KW – £200 (time and cost varies with fuel quality and run hours)
35-60 KW – £225 (time and cost varies with fuel quality and run hours)
80-201 KW – From £250 (time and cost varies with fuel quality and run hours)
350-500 KW – From £275 (time and cost varies with fuel quality and run hours)

*Providing no additional parts required other than van stock. Any faults found on the boiler during servicing will be rectified during the course of the visit if possible with parts our engineers carry on board the service vehicle. These will be charged at a lower rate while on site than if we had to make a return visit.

We also offer service contracts to suit your requirements. These generally involve 1-2 visits per year, depending upon your wishes and the number of hours you typically run the boiler for.

All prices exclude VAT.

Biomass Boiler Repairs & Breakdowns

Our team of HETAS engineers are on call to diagnose and repair Biomass Boiler breakdowns across the south west of England, including Dorset, Cornwall, Devon, Gloucestershire, Hampshire, Herefordshire, Somerset, Wiltshire, plus parts of South Wales.

Commercial Biomass offers commercial and domestic customers flexible repair options, from our standard call out to emergency engineers on hand day and night (subject to contract).

Biomass Boiler Repair Call Out Charges


next day or subsequent day, 8am – 5pm

£54.74 per hour plus mileage and, no call out fee. Excluding VAT

If additional parts are required and a return visit is needed then only the standard hourly rate is charged (including travel time) on the return visit + mileage at 64p per mile. If the repair can wait until the next working week day there is no call out charge.

All prices exclude VAT.

Biomass Boiler Parts

Commercial Biomass Ltd also offers spare parts for all ETA and Gilles/Hargassner boilers. Please contact us for a quotation.

Biomass Repairs & HETAs Servicing in your area…

We cover the whole of the south west of England: Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Somerset, Wiltshire and Hampshire, plus Gloucestershire, Gwent, Monmouthshire and Herefordshire.

Commercial Biomass Installations Repairs & Servicing

ETA, Hargassner and Windhager boilers come with a one year parts and labour guarantee, plus a four year parts guarantee. This covers all parts of the boiler except the combustion chamber and agitator arms, giving you five years’ peace of mind included within the cost of the boiler.

Our team of highly trained maintenance engineers provide annual servicing and backup if you should experience a breakdown. Several levels of service are available, from a fixed annual fee to an ‘as and when you need us’ service on an hourly rate.

Commercial Biomass Boiler Repairs & Servicing on other installations

Has your installer ceased trading? Are you unhappy with the service your existing servicing company is giving you? As one of the most experienced biomass installers in the UK, we are happy to provide our expertise for commercial and domestic customers in the south and south west, regardless of which supplier installed your equipment. We will also pick up your ETA, Hargassner or Windhager manufacturer’s warranty where your original installer left off.

System extensions, revisions and additions

We can undertake any system extensions and remedial repairs you need, and we can deal with the Ofgem queries arising from your notification of a major change to your accredited system.

Please contact us to find out more.