Save up to 80% on your organisation’s energy costs with Biomass
Biomass is a renewable, low carbon fuel that can save you up to 80% on your energy bills. As well as saving money, using commercial biomass heating means you’ll receive payment through the government’s Non-domestic Renewable Heat Incentive.
Commercial Biomass is one of the UK’s leading biomass and renewable heating specialists. With well over 300 biomass boiler installations to our name and 30+ years of commercial heating experience, Commercial Biomass Ltd engineers are trained and certified by ETA, Gilles, Hargassner, Windhager, Grant, plus several others, and the company is MCS accredited for Heat pump design and installation, as well as Biomass design, installation and now servicing to the new MCS 040 standard, which means we are HABMS certified by HETAS to comply with your Ofgem servicing committments.
We act as a one-stop-shop for our customers to explore renewable energy to heat their commercial premises.
Commercial Biomass Boilers
See our most popular commercial biomass boilers, or contact us with your requirements…
Biomass Boiler Containers

Don’t have the space for a biomass boiler? A biomass Boiler Container is the ideal solution for businesses that want to get on with their everyday operations without having tradesmen on site for weeks on end, building or converting a room to be a boilerhouse.
Benefits of Commercial Biomass
Renewable Heat Incentive
The Non-Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) helped meet the cost of installing renewable heat technologies for businesses, public sector and non-profit organisations. These include, for example, businesses, hospitals, schools, and district heating schemes such as in the case of where one boiler serves multiple homes.
The scheme is now closed to new applicants, except where an existing accredited installation is bought and re-accredited.
Read more about Non-Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive
Comply with the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme
Biomass energy can help your organisation comply with the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS). ESOS is a mandatory energy assessment scheme for larger organisations in the UK. Organisations that qualify must carry out assessments every 4 years.
These assessments are audits of the energy used by their buildings, industrial processes and transport to identify cost-effective energy saving measures.
If you are a UK company that: Either employs more than 250 people, or has an annual turnover in excess of 50 million euro (£38,937,777), and an annual balance sheet total in excess of 43 million euro (£33,486,489), you might be obliged to carry out an ESOS assessment. The assessment identifies what your organisation needs to do to comply with the ESOS regulations. You will need to submit your assessment to the Environment Agency when you have undertaken an ESOS assessment and are compliant with your obligations, and keep records of how you have complied with ESOS in an evidence pack. Organisations will be fined up to £50,000 for failure to undertake an energy audit, and also face fines for non-compliance.
Read full guidance on Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) at
CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme Compliance
Biomass energy may help your organisation comply with the government’s CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme, which aims to improve energy efficiency and cut carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in high energy use organisations.
Your organisation or group qualifies for CRC phase 2 if, between 1 April 2012 and 31 March 2013, it had at least one settled half hourly electricity meter (sHHM) and used 6,000 megawatt hours (MWh) or more of qualifying electricity supplied through settled half hourly meters. Some public bodies must take part in CRC regardless of how much electricity they use, including all UK central government departments and devolved administrations.
If your organisation qualifies for CRC, you should have registered by the deadline of 31 January 2014. Registering late means you could receive a fine of £5,000 with a further fine of £500 per working day until you complete the registration process.
In each compliance year, an organisation has to:
- collate information about its energy supplies
- submit a report about its energy supplies
- buy and surrender allowances equal to the CO2 emissions it generated
- tell the Environment Agency about changes to its organisation that could affect its registration
- keep records about its energy supplies and organisation in an evidence pack