Biomass Boiler Scrappage Scheme

Drag out the dinosaur

Ofgem have finally launched a scheme whereby you can get rid of a poor quality biomass boiler registered on the non-domestic RHI with a new, good quality biomass boiler and still keep the remainder of your original RHI tariff at the same rate as you had before.

Starting from the 1st of October 2018 you will be able to scrap your problematic old Woodpecker biomass boiler that you can’t get parts for, or your Farm 2000 that you’re sick of loading up with logs before you can heat your house, or your Termofarc boiler that’s flooding the neighbourhood with smoke. Whatever the make of boiler you had before, you can take it out and replace it with a new boiler of a different make, or different type (log for pellet or chip) without having to register a new boiler at a lower RHI rate. If you’ve got two boilers on the same system you can take them out and replace them with a single boiler of higher capacity. You can even exceed the existing capacity if you want, but the additional capacity will not receive any RHI payment.

This is the government document detailing the changes:


So lets get that dinosaur out of there and replace it with a decent quality Austrian boiler — it’ll usually pay for itself in just over three years.

We have recently been looking at multiple Termofarc boiler sites, where the boilers are operating at worse than 50% efficiency. A new ETA or Gilles biomass boiler will operate at over 90% efficiency, so changing boilers will result in a 40% fuel saving while still getting the same RHI return. Why would you wait?

Domestic RHI also allows the boiler to be changed while not affecting the remaining terms of the scheme.

For more information or to book a visit, please contact us on 01935 476927 or email