The Klover Belvedere is a beautiful pellet stove with outputs to water of 13.9kW, 17.1kW and 21.2kW. It features dual centrifugal fans to warm the room it’s in with outputs of 4.5kW, 2.9kW and 4.1kW respectively. Simultaneous use of the air blower does not reduce output to water if the front ventilation system option is purchased. Better than your average wood burner.

Klover Belvedere has a ceramic glass door that is just ooses beautiful crafting using double glazing. This keeps its surface temperature down, and the handle makes it cool to the touch. The Belvedere 28 is the best performing pellet stove heater in its class, with 94.8% combustion efficiency at full load. It’s 95.5% at part load.
Transfer of heat to water is achieves itself through the ‘Sicuro’ top safety system. This allows it to attach to any heating system without the need for the system to be put to pressure first. Moreover, this also has the effect of hydraulically separating the stove from the system water. This protects the stove from any pre existing issues that might exist.
Furthermore, the stove is available with an instantaneous domestic hot water module, which can supply hot water to a kitchen tap or a suitable shower.
Ceramic or enamelled steel finishes. Six colour options are available, Contact us for more information.