Case Study – Martock Farm

Heat meter reading shed 5
Somerset poultry grower, Charlie Richards, came to us two years ago for five ETA Hack 200 wood chip burning boilers and a 250 Kw solar installation and he has been so happy with the boilers, the solar and the service from Commercial Biomass Partnership that he built two new poultry […]

Return to Martock — Somerset poultry grower comes back to ...

Five more Eta Hack 200 Commercial Biomass boilers went on line at Martock, UK, over the past few weeks. These are prefabricated boilerhouses coupled with circular wood chip stores. We built the circular stores in response to several growers wanting a store where nothing is left stacked in the corners, […]

Five biomass boilers on line at Martock

Pods ready to go in
We have just completed pipework in six poultry houses at Martock, Somerset. The grower already had Drapervent recircs in two of his houses, and Big Dutchman recirculation heat exchangers in three. The latter have now been fitted with Draper heat only coils, together with new recirculation units in one further […]

Martock grower gets biomass boilers